A Fresh Approach to Social Care Assessments
Social Work Services
Personalised Social Care Solutions (PSCS) offer a range of bespoke social care services and projects including:
Lasting Power of Attorney & Advance Directive (Living Wills) Services direct to the public (including Witness, Certification and Registration processes) and setting up 'Advance Decisions' about medical treatment.
Training in Adult Safeguarding, Safeguarding for Telecare providers, Assessment & Reviewing for Social care workers, Care Act Eligibility, Strengths-Based Support Planning or understanding a social care approach to Continuing Health Care in context of Care Act.
Bulk assessment and reviewing services for Health & Adult Social Care Commissioners.
Independent Social Care & Mental Capacity assessments to the public and for solicitors.
Advice on Benefits entitlement checks & Grants searches.
Complaints and grievance investigations for Adult Social Care HR and customer relations departments.
Continuing Health Care projects and workshops to improve successful eligibility outcomes and budget recovery

Training Workshops
Adult Social Care Training - We can develop bespoke training in Adult Social Care to suit your audience and deliver successful outcomes including:
Safeguarding - signs, symptoms & reporting
Reviewing Skills, Rightsizing care packages
Care Act Eligibility
Duty Risk, Prioritisation, Screening and Triage
Strengths based support planning
Continuing Health Care workshops

Bulk Assessments
Adult Social Care Assessment and Reviewing Service:
For Health and Social Care Bulk assessments and reviews:
Are poor quality assessments leading to higher than expected costs?
Is staff absence affecting service delivery / causing delays?
Do you have a backlog of outstanding assessments/reviews?
Is assessment backlog causing budget pressures?
Are timescales on your project plans starting to drift?
Is productivity and throughput performance slow?
Are partnerships under strain because of pressures and challenges?
Are you struggling to recruit and retain staff?
Personalised Social Care Solutions (PSCS) offers an independent holistic assessment and reviewing service for commissioning authorities.
Our service complements and extends the range of expertise available to commissioners and social care practitioners and it provides excellent value for money.
We deliver skilled assessments and support planning recommendations to ensure that appropriate levels of care are being provided to service users, whether they reside in the community, residential or nursing care homes.
Scope of our Assessment services:
We can deliver...
Adult Social Care core Assessments, Draft Care & Support Plans and Reviews
Carers Assessments
Mental Capacity Assessments
Continuing Health Care Assessments
Lasting Power of Attorney Applications & Advance decisions
Core Assessments to Self Funders
Additional Specialist Assessments
Independent Living Advice on health, safety, telecare and equipment to make life easier.
We commission & subcontract social care professionals to complete skilled assessments and reviews and provide our LA / Health service customers with 'right-sized' and timely support planning recommendations.
We work with a social work recruitment agency and subcontractor social care workers can rigorously apply Care Act compliant eligibility criteria, promoting wellbeing, building on the vulnerable persons' strengths and support networks and promoting the use of universal services where appropriate to do so.
Where public funding is required to meet needs, they can ensure that best value principles are applied to support plans, whether the person resides in the community or in a care home setting.
PSCS can also support people to set up Lasting Powers of Attorney - including application, witness, signatory and registration processes to reduce the need for Best Interest meetings.
Range of Adult Social Care Assessments
We Provide:
Adult Social Care Core Assessments - Identifying risks and the needs that arise from them, recommending Care and Support Plans and undertaking social care Reviews for vulnerable adults.
Our Subcontractors rigorously application of national eligibility criteria in relation to Care Act, building on the persons own strengths, the informal support of their own social capital / community assets and effectively signposting to universal sources of support.
Where people have identified needs requiring public funding to meet them, Our subcontractors scrutinise care and support plans to ensure needs are met and strengths are maximised. This enables them to recommend solutions to ‘Right-size’ care and support packages.
Our subcontractors ensure services funded by councils and health commissioners are provided in a cost effective manner and that specific time allocated to care delivery and service user supervision is balanced with the individuals rights to maximise opportunities for their privacy and independence.
Carers Assessments - These can completed either separately or as part of the service users assessment.

Mental Capacity Assessments - Subcontractors apply the 2 stage and functional test of capacity as defined in the Mental Capacity Act 2005, maximising self determination and participation as much as possible.
Continuing Health Care (CHC) - Subcontractors can work jointly with health professionals to screen assessments and complete checklists and Decision support tools for health funded care. They can also provide independent Social Work input to CHC appeals and jointly reviewing packages of nursing care with a view to right-sizing healthcare plans provided under Continuing Health Care.
Lasting Power of Attorney Applications - We have a subsidiary service that assists donors in the Creation, Registration, Witness and Certification of their Lasting Power of Attorney documents. we can assist with both health and Welfare LPA's and Finance and Property LPA's
Core Assessments for people who privately fund their own care - Our Subcontractors can provide an independent assessment service to 'self funders' and others who may be ‘ineligible’ to receive statutory funding / services including assistance with designing your care and support plans.
Additional Specialist Assessments - There is scope for additional specialist assessments to be sourced as required. For example to offer Occupational Therapy, Best Interest Assessments as part of Deprivation of Liberty (DOLS) safeguards and independent assessments of potential foster parents. (Form F).
Solutions provided by PSCS
1. The problem of short staffing - Our Subcontracting social care workers are externally sourced and therefore provide additional 'offline' capacity in addition to those professional staff usually available to the customer.
2. Sickness absence and costs - Our Subcontracting Social Care workers are reliable and work freelance so are only paid when work is completed and delivered. There are no absence costs to you as the customer.
3. Poor productivity - Our Subcontracting social care workers have a financial incentive to improve their productivity through payment by results. They work independently, minimising office-based distractions and can work outside of usual business hours.
4. Poor quality - Our Subcontracting social care workers are experienced practitioners and are provided with bespoke training workshops focussing solely on the assessment and support planning functions and outcomes required by the customer. They understand the need to satisfy your quality assurance process before the assessment work is accepted.
5. Drifting/sliding timescales - Our Subcontracting social care workers work to timescales agreed in advance and there are financial penalties for late work. Our company reputation depends on the efficient delivery of our contract.
6. Political fallout - Our Subcontracting social care workers can take the pressure off overstretched Local Authority resources, freeing up internal staffing capacity to concentrate on other core functions and priority work. The additional capacity we commission improves throughput and reduces customer/councillor complaints.
7. Partnerships under strain - Interdependent or integrated services between health and social care agencies share budgets and targets and if one partner is struggling to deliver, this may incur costs for both and put working relationships under strain due to poor delivery of agreed outputs. Our Subcontracting social care workers can assist with clearing backlogs of work awaiting allocation, free your staff to assimilate into their new roles and prepare for the transformation of service delivery models.
Our Tariff
We have a fixed standard fee but the cost of Assessments delivered by Personalised Social Care Solutions for Local Authority or Health commissioners will be bespoke based upon your project brief and there may be scope for negotiation dependent upon:
The quantity and scope of the contract.
The level of access / administrative support required to deliver completed assessments in the format required by the commissioning body.
Geographical logistics including travel and subsistence for any work undertaken Out of Area or in isolated locations.
Contact us on 07594 560011 to arrange an appointment or receive a quote.
We can tender and provide quotes to your organisation directly or through the web-based procurement portals such as - Supplying the South West
Please complete the Contact us form below for more details. Put the contact form for local authorities on that page too.

General enquiries:
Please contact us for further information on all areas.
Email: info@personalisedsocialcare.co.uk